Anonymous ID: 2b19e7 March 16, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.686379   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There was Clown chatter on the dark web about that fiasco. It seems they knew ahead of the public announcement that Mueller would be selected as SC and that POTUS would be blind-sided by it. POTUS himself said that Mueller would be crossing the red line if he drifted away from investigating Russian involvement in the election and into Trump's private business affairs. But he just filed to obtain Trump's private business records. So what comes next?


Disinfo is real. Mueller is a Deep State guy, a Bush/Obama lackey, and a Clown operative. No one really knows that the fuck is going on, and perhaps this is so for a very good reason. They're taking an awfully big risk playing such a high-stakes game this close to an election that could potentially swing the House back to the Dems. Yeah, I know…that will never happen. But you know what, it very well could happen. And if it does the MAGA agenda will come to a screeching halt for the next 2 years.

Anonymous ID: 2b19e7 March 16, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.686395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was an oversight by the Founding Fathers that they did not put term limits for everyone elected to government office. No one should be eligible to be in office for more than 2 terms.

Anonymous ID: 2b19e7 March 16, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.686449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't be too quick to believe clickbait headlines and fake news. The money that was going to be withheld was a measly $1 million from California. That's where this came from.


Withholding that money only serves to punish the tax paying citizens who live in those cities, not the politicians who are supporting the sanctuary bullshit. Not everybody who lives in a sanctuary district supports the craziness. The county where I live and the one north of me are both sanctuary areas—so designated by the liberals who are in power. But there are many conservatives (and also many D voters) here who do not support sanctuary.


This is not about the GOP. It all falls on Jeff Sessions. He is the AG. He is the one who is supposed to be enforcing the law but refuses to do so. If he was aggressively going after the sanctuary mayors and prosecuting them and throwing their asses in prison this would stop.

Anonymous ID: 2b19e7 March 16, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.686572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6584 >>6585 >>6586 >>6596



This IG report is being delayed because it is likely a nothingburger. There's still time left in the day for Sessions to fire McCabe. If McCabe walks away with that pension intact that would be an extremely unfortunate travesty. But scumbag Brenan and others walked so…

Anonymous ID: 2b19e7 March 16, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.686697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705 >>6857


You can run and win, but you would be one of the very few in Congress who actually want the system to change so that it benefits the people rather than themselves. You would be offered bribes, and cajoled. And they would dig up embarrassing things from your past or about your family and use it to blackmail you into doing what they want. There is a reason why the system has remained so unchanged for the hundreds of years that it has existed. What we see and what the media tries to get us to believe is all an illusion. These politicians pretend to be members of opposing parties with different ideas. That is bullshit too. They are all buddies. They went to the same schools, their wives are members of the same social clubs, their kids go the same exclusive private schools, they all attend the same swish private cocktail parties. And all of them get richer and richer the longer they remain in Congress. Most who go to Washington vowing to make a difference end up becoming a part of it. It will not change. That is the reason why so many truly good, decent, and honest people stay far away from it when asked to run for office.


I admire our president. I believe that he wants to make it better. But look at what they are doing to him on a daily basis! Imagine what they could accomplish if they channeled all that hatred into productivity.

Anonymous ID: 2b19e7 March 16, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.686826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boomer generation is trouble. No money…


But is it really only the Boomers? Looks like the GenX peeps and the Millenials are screwed too.


MAGA needed more than ever, otherwise we're all fucked— sin Vaselina.



