There was Clown chatter on the dark web about that fiasco. It seems they knew ahead of the public announcement that Mueller would be selected as SC and that POTUS would be blind-sided by it. POTUS himself said that Mueller would be crossing the red line if he drifted away from investigating Russian involvement in the election and into Trump's private business affairs. But he just filed to obtain Trump's private business records. So what comes next?
Disinfo is real. Mueller is a Deep State guy, a Bush/Obama lackey, and a Clown operative. No one really knows that the fuck is going on, and perhaps this is so for a very good reason. They're taking an awfully big risk playing such a high-stakes game this close to an election that could potentially swing the House back to the Dems. Yeah, I know…that will never happen. But you know what, it very well could happen. And if it does the MAGA agenda will come to a screeching halt for the next 2 years.