Anonymous ID: 689b92 March 16, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.686119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6149 >>6234 >>6379 >>6523

Today seems like a pivotal day.


We're just now learning yesterday that Sessions DID NOT have to recuse himself from any Russia/Trump investigation because a simple non-criminal probe itself doesn't require the AG to recuse himself like a criminal investigation would.


Sooo…are we to believe that Sessions was completely clueless about that basic distinction and he screwed up by recusing himself and he then let RR appoint Mueller to slowly barbecue Trump seemingly endlessly OR did he unnecessarily recuse himself knowing full well RR would appoint former FBI Mueller (ex marine)?


Let's say Sessions misread the law and royally scewed up. I doubt this because someone somewhere would've made him aware of it within the last year.


There's no way someone hasn't brought it up to him or others.


The MSM would have you believe they just now realized this huge blunder in Sessions recusal. C'mon!


But lets just say Sessions actually screwed up.


IF Sessions DOESN'T fire McCabe today (as Trump has been demanding forever) despite Sessions having legal cause and IF Sessions DOESN'T unrecuse himself and unseat Mueller AND Trump DOESN'T explode and DOESN'T fire Sessions for gross incompetence it means that it's part of the plan and Mueller is in on it as well.


There's NO WAY Trump would tolerate such reluctance or incompetence on that level at this stage. The recusal fuck up in of itself would blow Trumps mind.


Yet….we hear no reaction at all about the recusal thing? No rumblings or wtf! from the WH or Trump?


That's a BIG tell imho.


Is it possible Mueller/ex marine was never a fbi director candidate when he met Trump but was instead recalled to active duty that day? And RR had no clue and appointed the next day the very guy that Trump/MI hoped or knew RR would?


If McCabe isn't fired today and Trump doesn't blow his twitter stack or nail Sessions for anything you'll know Mueller is doing more than just investigating Trump and maybe doing so as a marine.