Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.686113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What if you read Trump's tweet according to the punctuation he used?


It would be great for the Republican Party of Nevada,

and it is unity if good guy Danny Tarkanian would run for Congress

and Dean Heller, who is doing a really good job, could run for Senate unopposed!


Not sure if there is something hidden here about unity and Nevada.

Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.686325   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What happens if we start a Twitter campaign?


Why is Sung Chung so famous?

What is Sung Chung's greatest achievement?

Sung Chung for President in 2020.

Who ever heard of Sung Chung?

Did Sung Chung really do it?

Can you believe the news about Sung Chung?


And so on. Then if there is a murder or shooting or terrorist attack by or against Sung Chung, everybody will be asking why this name was all over twitter before it happened. And that will lead back to this Google stuff.

Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.686417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6438 >>6688



Securedrop has nothing to do with passing the narrative of the day. That is done by the Gannett newsfeed produced by USA Today every morning at 4am eastern time when they send their masters to their printing presses across the country.


Securderop is an app produced by a CIA front organization that offers whistleblowers a secure way to communicate with news media who publish their private encryption keys. Users believe they are getting an app that has the best most secure encryption, however, it has a backdoor that lets the CIA see all of these leaks. They can then target the whistleblowers in any way, even killing them.


FakeNews has nothing to do with Securedrop. They are two different projects of the CIA and have two different goals.

Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.686492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6539 >>6677



The trace of the engine diagnostic shows that the plane did fly either to the ocean off West Australia or to Kazakhstan. But that was an intermittent signal that would not have detected a quick stop at Diego Garcia to drop off excess passengers.


Use a search engine to see what folks have discovered about the possible northern route and a mysterious site on the ground near the last signal location.


Everybody knows that Putin runs Kazakhstan because that is the Soviet Union. Putin and his dirty Commies obviously stole the plane.


But ask yourself, What if.

What if Kazakhstan was no longer part of the Soviet Union?

What if Kazakhstan is no longer controlled by Russia?

What if Putin is no longer a Commie but was part of the capitalist group who overthrew the Communists?

What if Putins study of economics in University led him to believe that Communism is wrong and Capitalism is right?

What if (((they))) don't want you to really understand what is going on so (((they))) use Putin as a convenient scapegoat?

What if that other plane, MH17, was shot down because (((they))) thought it was Putin on his way to Sochi after the Olympics in Brazil?

What if you could think for yourself, dig, make connections and draw your own maps?



Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.686578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6581 >>6585 >>6605



It's not late at all. It is being delayed in order to get maximum impact. This is all a game.


Trump's tweet pulled the wool over the cabal's eyes and focused them on Mueller and Sessions. Now that game is almost over. As soon as Sessions takes his game to a climax it will seem like a hammer has come down and then BOOM, the OIG report (or reports) will follow. Boom, Boom, Boom.


The BOOMs are an important part of the game because they drive cracks in the cognitive dissonance.


Liberals and Democrats are our friends. They are citizens. We need them to fully support Trump's MAGA programs. Anyone who is still attacking liberals is an enemy of America and in bed with the clowns. It is THAT simple.

Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.686594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6606 >>6619



Knowing that lots of Illuminati have bunkers and hideaways in the southern hemisphere like Fiji, Marshall Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and that the Illuminati were planning a nuclear war, where do you think the British royal family have their bunkers?


Who fought a war, even sending royals into combat, to keep control of the Falkland Islands?

Anonymous ID: f259d0 March 16, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.686690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6744



No way. It can't be.


What if the sun is a flashlight. Then it couldn't shine on all the same parts of the earth at once. God is up there moving it.


What if God is a moron? Then he would just keep moving that flashlight across the earth over and over except when he takes a break to sleep.


I finally believe in the flat earth theory. Halleluyah!!!