here's what i've got so far - from the Bible, also the Book of Enoch, and also Q drops:
When the angels mated w/ women and produced giants (nephilim) those were the brothers of Goliath
they died
their spirits lived on
the fallen angels were repentant (and i'm not sure if they remain that way - i know azazael duridiel - the angel bound hand and foot in dudael and to him is ascribed all sin - the one who told me in an indescribable way "Do you want to know the name of the devil? It's azazael duridiel." - no shit - Book of Enoch said he's bound and buried under rocks in dudael - anyway i know azazael is fucked for sure)
the children couldn't be killed
note because they were evil (from woman who came from man who is condemned by sin from birth)
but because they were from angels, who don't die.
so their spirits lived on
they're still here today
and this is the evil we're up against
azazael is bound and remains rebellious because he knows he's damned but his spirit and the nephilim spirits work on earth to cause harm and impedance on good
doubt P=pagan because there are many pagans
but there is much to be learned