Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.686131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6207 >>6365

From last bread.


>Tremendous article.

Indeed, the title alone is genius.

>Why Spy?

>John Perry Barlow, 10.07.02

>If the spooks can't analyze their own data, why call it intelligence?


>formalize the chansf or information consolidation all the way through the legislation process.

Nice, how do we do this and avoid the bureaucratic quagmire that has defined these systems ever since we created these systems?

>We the people must manage the government

Exactly, that said, with great power comes great responsibilty. Can we diffuse power through decentralization. If so then how?

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.686331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6443 >>6522 >>6716

>The BARLOW Dossier (so far up to this bread)

Running Compilation of Sauce since last Q post

>>680795 [John Perry Barlow]


From last bread.

>Q Research General #849: John Perry Barlow Edition

>>686025 Compilation from previous breads

> w/ pic evidence of close connection with Sean Ono Lennon

>>686074 Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace written in DAVOS, Switzerland

>>685364 Deadhead connection w/ MK Ultra/Clowns


>>685377 >Again: Barlow was a traveling companion of Lynn Forrester (LdR)

> So Barlow knows all the players. Big part of the Snowden stuff. Was he with LdR in NYC and together with JFK jr.?

>>685793 >traveling companion-->It means mason,



>>685169 (Last Bread - the BARLOW/CIA/link:



> process of information digestion



>On the day I first visited the CIA's "mission control" room,

>"the stovepipe mentality" where information is passed vertically through many bureaucratic layers but rarely passes horizontally.


>possible to formalize the chansf or information consolidation


>Seems to be precisely what Q is doing….


> …insightful enough to inspire wisdom in our Readers. FTFY.


>>686024 Illuminati Anthem– To the tune of "Eleanor Rigby" 11-07-88 -- Steve Jackson, Joe Vail, Creede Lambard

relates to in #848

>>684759 Barlow had control of Op "Looking Glass"?

>apparent ability to predict the future used in the games maybe operation looking glass files or similar.Maybe this is where Barlow got ideas for his inventions as well?

>Secret Service raided the offices of Steve Jackson Games who made the Illuminati card game

> master copy of GURPS Cyberpunk; a genre toolkit for cyberpunk games, written by Loyd Blankenship, (kek)

>>684909 Hacker Cyberpunk Illuminati Card Game

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.686447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6471


>can't find a reason it isn't possible:

There's also sociocracy (still digging Barlow atm, but sauce is easy to find).

It's an org structure designed as interlocking circles.

Used successfully in some European biz's and a few small town gov'ts.

<Wonder if there's a way to mix the 2, taking the best of each?


>Critical piece is the self-testing open specification - not just open source. Many nodes in the system have to watch and validate many other nodes constantly

Random first thought: could this be accomplished on a blockchain.


>Once a distributed system is redundant and self-validating enough, it becomes completely fault-tolerant and virtually impossible to compromise.

Yup, and can then be replicated fractally.

>this has to be precise and engineered like an airliner. There's no 'fudge' room on the way these things work - it has to be bulletproof.

Agree absoutely.


And its father Marxism too.

>>682823 #845

More from John Perry Barlow….

> "I do have a kind of Marxist sense of the inevitability of this shift taking place, that there will be a global commons that includes all of humanity. And that it will not be particularly subservient to governments in any way."

< https:// www.

The fact that the genesis of this might come from a bunch of anons. who detest Marxism is Quite a delicious Barlowian irony, yes?

Then again,

>>684214 from #847

>Did you know Barlow was a lifelong member of the Republican Party?

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.686522   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons. are here to research any & all things related to information dropped by Q.

As was noted, >>686331 is a

>Running Compilation of Sauce since last Q post

>>680795 [John Perry Barlow]


It is also an exercise on

(1) how to organize collected research until a search function is implemented, so that crumbs are not lost & forgotten

(2) how to get anons. just arriving up to speed on a particular topic ASAP.


Happy 3:16

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.686559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6589


> It is just mathematical obfuscation.

Agree, also obnoxiously energy intensive.

> way to secure systems is through redundancy, not obfuscation.

A "hashgraph" type model? (Sorry, not up to speed yet with latest, greatest crypto-inspired tech & who & what is potentially comp'd.)

> blockchain is a Q honeypot for elite bastards.

Now that would be TOP KEK.

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.686602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6647


(((AI))) is the new Project Bluebeam?


See pics & link.

> https://

> https://

Looks like a 2 way interaction to me.

Filtered through lenses/prisms/mirrors, choose your own metaphor.

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.686620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6671


Thanks. Very nice summary.

Agree that we should keep it simple (so that stupidfags like me can understand), propose that we discuss this more.

In my foggy eyes, this is the #MAGA of the future.

Anonymous ID: f7b06e March 16, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.686716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6736 >>6831



"Send in the Dancing Bears"


>Keep the hivemind rolling, anons. We can do this.



Btw, find it odd that Barlow was "big brother" to both the sons of JFK and John Lennon?

>>686331 from #849

> w/ pic evidence of close connection with Sean Ono Lennon

>>684718 from #848

Connection to Jackie O & JFK Jr. (deep sauce)

> Jaquie sent son to Barlows cattle ranche when jr. was a teenager, so Barlow could be his "big brother" "mentor" father figure.