>Ready to roll.
I pray everyday God will reconnect the broken families (my 2 children being 2 that have been kidnapped). It is all I have left is FAITH that God will finally move that mountain!
>really curious what determines Q posting her vs PF
Sep 12 2018 16:21:05 (EST)
Main points of interest only.
It will serve as the main hub of all communications once all other sites 'tracking' collapse [8ch only].
What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?
This is not a game.
I <3 your thinking!
>If you know, does that mean Q will no longer post here at all eventually? And why?
From my perspective, yes I believe that Q will no longer post here. Why? Because things will be public and we will have transparency. Q has posted about whistleblowers……the way whistleblower cases work is they are sealed until all criminal/civil investigation and settlements (if there are settlements) are complete. The case gets unsealed and the trial is public if there is a trial.