Anonymous ID: 6d23f0 June 27, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.6861364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1366 >>1408 >>1460

anon ran for state office in another lifetime

was leading

got invite to state wide shindig and had to give 3 minutes speech to 600

was terrified

however, after my first scripted line about property tax sux and they all cheered it was great

its a rush to lead the NPC's

but it aint worth it

glad i lost now or i wuda been DS too

Anonymous ID: 6d23f0 June 27, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.6861886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

anons lawfag here with some thoughts on roe v wade - i have posted that i support over turning this decision - not because of the pro-abortion reason - no its because SCOTUS had no business legislating fundamental pblic policy by inventing constitutional rights - IMO one's personal moral decision on this matter is legally irrelevant. It is a matter for the nation to decide as a matter of public policy - pursuant to our system of law.


So Roe must be overturned - then what? Well if I were a member of SCOTUS here is what i would do. Yeah i already told you - over turn it - but under what rationale and what would then occur? OK the rationale is there is no right to an abortion under the constitution - how can a "right to PRIVACY" come from the due process clause? It cant. SCOTUS invented that one ALL legal scholars agree. Then they made it worse by adopting a so called "viability" standard - OMG this is a court not a medical board!


If lawfag was on SCOTUS my thinking would be a straight forward interpretation - there is NO constitutional basis for this "right" period. HOWEVER I would not and could not allow laws in any way limiting or prohibiting abortion to stand - why? simple - because GENDER is a protected class under federal law and all state law. To legislate concerning any procedure which ONLY impacts a protected class (women) is IMO unlawful under laws passed by Congress and all 50 states that prohibit laws designed to impact a protected class of persons.


SO that means all abortion laws are ILLEGAL - NOT under our Constitution but due to STATUTES passed by Congress and 50 states that prohibit law that impact a protected class or persons disproportionately - and what could be more so that a law that ONLY EFFECTS WOMEN?


  • see where this goes now? this is what i believe SCOTUS is going to do - they do nopt DARE overrule Roe and leave it to the states - this will NOT habben anons - but the MUST over rule it - so what they will do is as i said - over rule Roe BUT also rule that all laws regulating abortion are inconsistent with federal law granting protected status to women.


This is a grand PUNT for SCOTUS - and the end effect will be correct but not happy for pro lifers - why? cuz now all States and the FEDS have to abandon the laws they lub that declare poor WOMENS as a protected class! BUT if they do do then States and the FED can legislate on the abortion issue cuz womens got NO special rights ya see……….

This way is good - it forces reality on everyone. Maybe lawfag just spitballin but mi gut tells me something like this will occur- news unlocks……………….


(BTW a reminder - the ONLY class protected by the Constitution is RACE cuz the Civil War amendments were enacted for that very reason and none else - but SCOTUS long ago fogot or ignored that fact - the more you know…)

Anonymous ID: 6d23f0 June 27, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.6862051   🗄️.is 🔗kun



of course not

the DOJ got ahead of itself and (WE) paid the price - snafu (or intentional throwing the fight with a legal defect)

read the opinion

technical glitch "admin law procedure"