Other than Biden and Bernie, the others are auditioning for VP for either M Robinson or Das Hildebeast. She will pick Penis Anus and since she goes low with South Bend …Big Mike goes high? (like he always says) Maybe….Hickenlooper? He's high.
6862427 (no you for you you shill)
what game is over? JFK was considered a conservative compared to Nixon….is that the Nazi part? And the Nazi's were socialist, so they are democrats? Oh, that's right…game over.
$1,000 a month, …is that what he said?
Five trillion a year off the top of my head?
I doubt it! They just make shit up as they go along. And all it will do is cause more printing of money (quantitative easing 'they' call it). Then inflation happens as too many dollars are chasing too few goods….then everything is back to the way it was inside of just a few years.
I was only lurking then and totally agree
lousy roll there…flushed you out
government….and look what happens to those that fight them at the highest level…