His father was raised Catholic (John's paternal grandparents were Austro-Hungarian Jewish immigrants who converted to Catholicism
https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry
more digging will be required. ….
John Kerry hiding Jewish ancestry…..
take over of Wall street in NY before start of WWII banking system in NYC.
John Kohn is John F Kerry
Bill Deblasio changed his name also to sound more Italian his real name is German. Though you would never know it since wikipedia hide this also ..
During the 1950s–-at the height of the Red Scare–-both Maria and Warren were accused of having a "sympathetic interest in Communism". Deblasio parents Communists ?
https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_de_Blasio
History books should require all name changes for all politicians
Jamie Dimon name also changed not his real name
same with obama changed his name at least five times
John Kerry did it to hide ties to wealthy jewish bankers…..
make me wonder what name they use on social security numbers
and paying taxes
Stalin hid his Jewish side also Lenin