Subject: Pool report #13: Welcome ceremony and photo/Putin chat
3 minutes ago
POTUS chats with Putin and gets "warm" greeting from crown prince of Saudi Arabia
President Trump appeared with the other G20 leaders for what is called
the “family photo.”
Trump emerged from a holding room after many of the other leaders had
already assembled onstage. He walked and chatted with Russian
President Vladimir Putin, and patted Putin gently on the back as the
two parted ways onstage.
Trump posed alongside the controversial crown prince of Saudi Arabia
Mohammad bin Salman, who greeted him with a warm smile, a robust
handshake and a pat on the hand. Trump spoke with the Saudi royal
during the photo shoot, gesturing actively, and the two men continued
to talk as they walked off the platform.
Chinese President Xi Xinping walked over to greet Trump before
assuming his place elsewhere on the stage.
The ceremony appeared to have been delayed for the arrival of the
notoriously tardy Putin, who entered from a different side of the room
than the other leaders.
Michael Crowley
White House correspondent
The New York Times