Here's where I start to get pissed off.
For an additional amount for ``Refugee and Entrant Assistance'' $2,881,552,000
So that's more than double and a half what DHS got…
It continues:
Provided further,
That not less than $866,000,000 of amounts provided under this heading shall be used for the provision of care in licensed shelters and for expanding the supply of shelters for which State licensure will be sought,
of which not less than $27,000,000 shall be available for the purposes of adding shelter beds in State-licensed facilities in response to funding opportunity HHS-2017-ACF-ORR-ZU-1132,
and of which not less than $185,000,000 shall be available for expansion grants to add beds in State-licensed facilities and open new State-licensed facilities
Provided further, That not less than $100,000,000 of
amounts provided under this heading shall be used for post-release services, child advocates, and legal services:
Provided further, That not less than $8,000,000 of amounts provided under this heading shall be used for the purposes of hiring additional Federal Field Specialists and for increasing case management and case coordination services, with the goal of more expeditiously placing unaccompanied alien children with sponsors and reducing the length of stay in ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement, the UN brainchild in charge of "replacement migration"?) custody
Provided further, That not less than $1,000,000 of amounts provided under this heading shall be used for the purposes of hiring project officers and program monitor staff dedicated to pursuing strategic improvements to the Unaccompanied Alien Children program and for the development of a discharge rate improvement plan which shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the
Senate within 120 days of enactment of this Act:
Provided further, That of the amounts provided under this heading, $5,000,000 shall be transferred to '`Office of the Secretary–Office of Inspector General''
and shall remain available until expended for oversight of activities supported with funds appropriated under this heading:
I'm trying hard to see why POTUS should sign this monstrosity, maybe he shouldn't.