Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10 p.m. No.6862976   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Seriously… this is pathetic.


"The former researcher continued: 'Hitler was driven by ambition and he was a very dangerous person. And these young men had fought him in the war – well, JFK was [serving in the U.S. Navy] in the South Pacific – but he understood Hitler.


'And it's the mystery surrounding Hitler – why did he do what he did? I don't think anyone will ever know.


'But JFK was analyzing it and saying Hitler was a legend - and Hitler is a legend. But he's not a good legend.


'You can't translate that as meaning he had admiration for him.'"

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.6862994   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3010 >>3023


They had to change tactics, eventually.


Though now the shill slides are competing.


They want to make us look like we're Nazi and/or hate heebs.

But then they turn around call Q a kike and JFK a Nazi (in a bad way, not like they normally praise Hitler).


It's like how big tech is just openly partisan now.

They have nowhere left to run so they're tossing everything they have.


And what they have is pathetic.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:09 p.m. No.6863037   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Q has never once said that the "Dems are Nazis".

Q has related Antifa tactics to Nazi tactics.

Q has related the Globalist's NWO to "Nazi World Order".


But Q has never once said "the dems are nazis".


But hey… I guess you faggots are running low on shekels and this is the best (((they))) can afford anymore.


-slower clap, since you're extra special retarded-

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.6863087   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3109 >>3175 >>3272


This is the closest thing I can find.


If you mean his book…

"The Big Lie: Exposing The Nazi Roots Of The American Left"… then he's talking about their current tactics, like what Antifa/BAMN/Redneck Revolt/Etc etc use.


No one is arguing against that.


Also… you never handed anyone's ass to them.

You're clearly a libshit who just like to spew bullshit claims as if they're fact.

So… why don't you go ahead and explain to us how "transwomen" should have abortion rights.

It's the same kind of stupidity you're spewing right now.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:25 p.m. No.6863120   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3127 >>3139


Wassamatter lefty?

Why'd you suddenly go on the defensive?


Is it because neither Q nor Dinesh said JFK was a nazi and you've been BTFO?

(The answer is yes.)


Don't get me wrong, I understand the source material you're attempting to twist…

But the shit you're throwing out there is even more asinine that Yang's financial ideas.


You and your nonsense are about as legit as Elizabeth Warren is an indian.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:42 p.m. No.6863211   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The point isn't to convince them of anything.

They're being knowingly and willfully disingenuous.


The goal is to give them nowhere to go.

They can only blindly dismiss things for so long before their tactic is rendered absolutely pointless and they're forced to move to the next one.


But hey…

You must be new here.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.6863242   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3306


>That's what Q and Dinesh do.

>Hit and Run.

Where'd they go?

>We would love to debate.

We being MAGA Coalition?

>The responses here are all the evidence one needs.

Correct. All of your points were addressed and shot down, but your responses attempt to willfully ignore that fact.

>No defense just obfiscation.

That is all you have, yes.

>Caught in a corner so you want it to go away.

You wounded animals lash out when you get in corners.

>It's not going away.

Your grift?

>Get used to it.

People try and make a buck on anything. We're supposed to be impressed when you do it?

>Truth fears no investigation.

And you intentionally avoided all the source info relating to your claims that prove what you're saying is utter nonsense. Funny how that works out, y'know?

>Q shouldn't have been so dumb to hitch his wagon to "Dems are real racist" retard talking points.

Identity Politics is just the "progressive" way of describing their racism.

But you're a libshit (Jared? Is that you?) who gets butthurt when the left gets called out so we don't expect any less nor better from you.

>That's been the biggest running joke on the internet for three years or so.

"Dems are racist" is a "running joke"?

Hillary didn't win. Get over it.

>It's just you dumvasses don't know about it and the Jew Q team knows it so they manipulated you with it.

Lefties/Globalists are pretty much the only people who hate Jews and Nazis in the same conversation.

>You wanna be smart or stupid? It's your choice.

I don't play the Hegelian Dialectic game. I'm satisfied with my being Correct.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.6863281   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3318


What is socialism compared to communism?

The nazis were globalists.

Hitler wasn't running shit during the 40s.

Look who funded and profited from the wars.


The same people who push for communism using fascist/nazi tactics.


Example: Literally Soros.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.6863346   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3361 >>3380 >>3481


>Take your loss and restrategize because you likes are going to have to come up with me hell of a doozy to paint yourselves out of this corner.

The wounded animal in the corner projects again…

-slow clap-

>A smart person might ask why you are in this corner?

And yet you pretend that you're not the one it.

You're fascinating to talk to.

>What are you hiding?

My kids and wife. And my husbands. They rapin' everybody out here.

>Is it Dinesh covering for the fact that antifa was a Jewish communist group and that the Nazis were the nationalist good guys?

Covering? That's common knowledge…

Nazis were not nationalist, they were globalist.

If all they did was make Germany great again, that'd be fine. But that's not what they did.

Also… if you're saying the Nazis were the good guys… you're suggesting that pointing out that the dems use fascist/nazi tactics is saying "dems are the good guys"?

The whole "anything negative you say is really a positive for us!" twisted projection act?

Tell me that's not the best you got.

>Those are explained in a comedic fashion in this video. Those that watch will get it. Those that don't will continue serving you bolshevik satanic pieces of shit.

So, in classic liberal fascion, you're claiming that those who don't fall in line with your ideology are bad?

You think Trump supporters aren't used to such nonsense by now?

You really need to do better if you hope to hold your head above water around here.

What else you got?

>Until then? a's your work. Deal with it.

And so was Andrew Jackson, by your logic.

And to extend your logic, the Nazis are the REAL Jacksonians.


Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.6863414   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3509


Of course!

Clearly Q and Dinesh were saying that Andrew Jackson, who died in 1845, was a Nazi.



Thank you for clearing that up.

My eyes are open now.


I'm gonna pour bleach in them.

Your words are officially so stupid that it causes brain damage (similar to your own) in others.


Wew lad.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 27, 2019, 11:46 p.m. No.6863467   🗄️.is đź”—kun





Our School brings together the disciplines of Law and Criminology in a thriving academic environment, supported by staff with extensive real-world experience.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 28, 2019, 12:02 a.m. No.6863534   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3564


Considering that the Nazis invaded other countries to spread their ideology and didn't stick to themselves as they originally claimed they were trying to do…


I'm going to need you to explain how they weren't.


National Socialist is the same as Anti-Fascist.

They're opposite of what they claim to be.

It's like Taqiyya.


Now, according to your logic, Kennedy was not only a Nazi, but he was also a Muslim.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 28, 2019, 12:07 a.m. No.6863554   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Hey man.

Everyone knows that the Nazis were time travelers.

That's the only way they could effect democrats who both came before them and up to people who fought against them… let alone those who came after and adopted their schtoiyle.


Obviously there are no flaws in your "logic".

Silly me.

Anonymous ID: ad8f7a June 28, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6863620   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3626


And by set up, i mean if (((they))) plan to off him, then (((they))) have already planted the "evidence".


It's the MAGA Country script all over again…

But this time there won't be an option to change the gas/fire for frozen bleach.

This time he sticks to the script… not that he'll necessarily be reading it.


Besides… he screwed that pooch hard.

If he's not a plant nor under pressure from white hats… then there's something else.

Was he really so inept in how he handled his "assignment"?

If this were faked on the surface level, why wouldn't Kamala and Obama and Soros gotten their own people? Someone Jussie wouldn't know. Someone who would really sell it even if Jussie had cold feet.


What if the Subway MAGAttack was blatantly bullshit on purpose just to put eyes on him?

What if the plan was to ultimately kill him the entire time, and blame it on the not-leftists for driving him to it?

In leftist fashion, they wouldn't say he did it because of the consequences of HIS "inept actions and amateur set up"…

No… it would be everyone who was holding his feet to the fire… everyone who even tangentially held him responsible.


And by planting foreknowledge of such a situation on the breads, they're attempting to set us up as being in on it or related or even responsible.


They'd KILL for a headline that goes something like:

"Jussie Smollet is the latest victim of the QAnon extremist movement".
