thank you Anons
from Sara via twtr
whoa, nice1
i always put the Newbies first
i get your idea, simple; i like simple
i suggest not going to far
remember Newbies
if meme/slogan is to tricky, loses a bit of potential imo because Newbies don't get it
the shills like to play triple think also
when both start doing quadruple think, game gets super tricky, especially for Newbies
this is how shills would want it, impossible for Newbies
logic says keep it simple, make msg clear, not to tricky
thank you for your help
do what you love, then it's not work
do memes you like to do and impress us
'How has POTUS been able to essentially destroy ISIS within the 1st year of his Presidency but HUSSEIN could not throughout entire term?
What is JB's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is Hussein's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is VJ's background?
Muslim by faith?' - Q
article from 3 days ago:
'In the exit documents for James Comey’s departure from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a page among the documents showed Comey had a binder in his safe that contained Hillary Clinton’s emails. The document does not show what medium was used to store the emails within the binder. The binder could have had sleeved pages for CDs which could have had Clinton’s email to include the missing emails that were Bleach-Bit wiped by Paul Combetta while the server was under a subpoena order from Congress to preserve. In the FBI’s report on Clinton’s mishandling of Classified information, it has a page from then FBI agent Peter Strzok to the National Security Agency: an order to preserve any emails sent to or from We know from Edward Snowden’s disclosures that the NSA captures all email traffic within the United States. I am sure the NSA had all of Clinton’s emails even the ones she had deleted. The questions are, did Strzok take sole possession of the emails for the FBI? Were those emails in Comey’s safe the copies from the NSA? Comey said he expected a Clinton victory in the presidential election. Was Comey holding these emails as leverage over a possible future president Hillary Clinton to retain his position as the director of the FBI?”