Lb >>6865894
She’s a witch. Sent to Handal someone in the race and cast spells. Who was looking at her last night? (Actual question I need to go watch)
Marianne Deborah Williamson met Hillary in 1994 and was invited to the White House when Hillary was First Lady. “You were wonderful to me back in l994 when you invited me to the White House.” Source. This woman is deep into metaphysics which is ritual Magick. Perhaps she is on the same road that occultist Jack Parsons, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and the Infamous Aleister Crowley were on in their quest for the Babylon Working. Some speculate that Hillary is the result of that ritual. It would explain why she can get away with so much evil. Whatever the goal of these Witches, you can bet they aim to destroy Christianity and usher in a New Age Utopia.
From Oprah Winfrey Part 2: What god does she Worship?
Oprah & Friends channel on XM Satellite Radio, which is offering Marianne Williamson’s presentation of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). The course was authored by research psychologist Helen Schucman (1909-1981). Dr. Schucman maintained that between 1965 and 1972, an “inner voice” (which she identified as Jesus) dictated the material to her, which she took down in shorthand and transcribed into what was eventually published as A Course in Miracles.
It is often described as “New Age Christianity,” a version which posits a Jesus who offers more love and forgiveness while wanting “less suffering, sacrifice, separation, and sacrament.” (Some have noted that the concepts contained in ACIM are primarily a hodgepodge of teachings from various world religions.) ACIM (and other similar courses) are available in the form of books, audio/videotapes, seminars, and workshops through the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP) and through its related organization, the Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM), which operates an academy and retreat center known as the Institute for Teaching and Inner Peace (ITIP).
She is a witch, and witchcraft is all about manipulating the world around you to suit your desires. Witches are therefore primarily self-centered. Magick is manipulation and deception. Their motto is “Do as thou wilt”. I think we have enough self-centeredness in Washington already.
What we need in Washington is people of fine, upstanding moral character based on the Word of God. When we had that… we had the best nation on Earth, bar none. That is why everyone wanted to emulate us or come and join us.
I don’t know about you, but I just don’t see how inviting demonic spirits can have any positive effect on our nation. And these folks are into Spiritism big time.
Why is a Jewish Woman writing New Age books, and not about Judaism?
BTW, when I researched and wrote Hillary’s Witchcraft, this woman figured prominently as one of Hillary’s “Spiritual Advisors”!