The Trump Illuminati faction will be victorious, and it shall be a day of days when underverse comes!
Stabbing bad people?
And, stabbing bad guys too.
What is ‘transgression of the law’ if it is not missing your mark?
I would join the Trump Illuminati faction as long as the initiation does not involve:
Sex with children/harming a child
Eating of the long pork
Gay sex
Drinking blood
Satan worship
Because winning is for winners and the losers from cold.
You really think Trump and his faction condone any of that?
I don’t.
Trump is a good person for the most part. He would not have allegiance to a group involved with any crap like that.
Just as in life eternal, judge a man by his works, not what is said or not said about him. Trump does right. He has been charitable in a correct way according to scripture. He gives in privacy and there is no publicity about all of his good works.