…for eighty years you
have been passing around I.O.U’s instead of any form of money. A “note” is an I.O. U. and a
“Federal Reserve Note” is an I.O.U. from the Federal Reserve Banks. It is impossible to pay a
debt with an I.O.U. You can only go deeper into debt as a result of this practice. A negative
plus a negative never equals a positive.
Here is the circumstance: you owe $500 and you have no actual money to pay this debt.
The only “legal tender” in circulation is in the form of I.O.U. Notes issued by the Federal
Reserve Banks. Deliberately placed in this situation by the perpetrators of this fraud, Joe
Average American is under monopoly inducement and has no choice but to “pay” his debts
with I.O.U.’s, and thereby become a debtor, instead of a creditor.
If I give you an I.O.U. as payment of a debt, have I paid you? No. I have only
postponed payment of my debt to a later time. That’s what the Federal Reserve has done–
-collected debt upon debt upon debt and never paid a dime toward any of it, since 1933.