No American Flags at the Dem Debate ?
No National Anthem ?
Would dems take a knee ?
No American Flags at the Dem Debate ?
No National Anthem ?
Would dems take a knee ?
US priests have diplomatic immunity from the country of the Vatican in usa and serve as ambassadors to vatican?
Pope directs priests not to work with police but only through diplomatic channels of the country of the vatican ?
Pres runner Kamila Harris no comment on protecting priests in CA ?
biden protecting pedo Priests in PA ?
Harris protecting pedo priests in CA as prosecutor?
what is the dems position to prosecute in PA?
Talk about a new law to prosecute?
Pope says not to talk to police in usa in cases of pedo ?
What is the position of the dems ?
Any question for Muller on the 911 Report ?
Any questions for Muller about whitey Bulger ?
If this is true does Politicians have immunity from the law and taxes ?
Hand up !!!