There seems to be a race among various types to claim supreme woke status by refuting ever more basic principles of understood physical reality. The more basic or fundamental the concept, the more 'red pilled' one has become. While I understand some of this is deliberate counter-intelligence (lol…) By state or activist groups, I have also seen this among people I know in the real world.
It is as if people do not understand how to explore existentialism and have replaced the quest for an existential solution with the pursuit of complete destruction of common wisdom. It is amazingly nihilistic and short sighted in its aims. As if people suddenly knowing that Oil is abiogenic or that the Earth is a klien bottle… Or watever - that this is the key to achieving some kind of grand awakening. People understanding we are on the surface of a hypersphere beneath a black hole sun will suddenly be filled with some kind of supreme insight to achieve antigravity and overthrow the cabal… Or something.
What is concerning to me is how non-trivial this issue is handled. Would it shock and surprise me to find out that electricity is a ninth dimensional harmonic magic induced by prayers? Not entirely. I just don't see how it invalidates my current experience and leads to fewer wars and social engineering projects from our governments. I have found my solution to existential problems and won't be completely beside myself regardless of what physical realities manifest through exploration and experimentation.
It is this solution that anons pursuing this, sort of race to intellectual Oblivion, seem to lack. Worse, they do not seem to be at all familiar with the tools and arts depicting this individual quandary throughout history. It is not enough that one question reality and find a theory one agree with - those around one of these anons must accept these theories, as well, in order for that anon's own life to have meaning.
This is an entirely unhealthy definition and pursuit of self validation. By no means should discussion and challenges to our most basic of held wisdoms be discouraged or dismissed out of turn - but it is concerning that these types have had their souls removed and been told the key to reclaiming it is through evangelizing their faith in some 'woke' state or another.