Tuck is the KEK ambassador.
Oldfag here. Three things I remeber:
Zbigniew Brzezinskitaking credit for Afghanistan. Said he told President Carter it was an oportunity to take revenge at the Russians for Vietnam. Never heard of Charlie Wilson until Hollywood made up that story.
The Talibans said they were ready to start negociations once we President Dubya asked them to deliver OBL. Under their law (as in rule of law) a "negociation" was required before they delivered someone with "guest" status to a thrid party. In this context "negotiations" means someone on behalf of the DOJ presents the incriminating evidence so they could legally revoke the "guest" status. They did say USA was an ally.
President Pervez Musharraf said he got a phone call from President Dubya Telling him if he did not do USA's bidding he woukld declare war on Pakistan.
Damn, all that editing and still got errors and typos.
Well then been it a Company who will actually be paying? How many of those paying were alive when the grievance happenned? Just curious.
>limit the effects of climate change
Pay attention their choice of words, they are slowly making the case for weather control. I have no problem with regional weather controls by those affected by it but the idea of global weather control not only will create winners and losers it will also create a way submit smaller contries to obedience.
Notice he says "I" until the last two where he used "we". The post is set up a to push the "we" [did it] narrative. No details so it can be attributed to anything later.
The hoax can be construed as witness tampering, a federal crime. Regardless of how some see this it can be used to pin the hoax or something yet to happen on the chans.
Sometimes I wonder if KJU posts in the chans.
Good. The question remains, will they ask Pepe to testify about the origin of the piss dossier?