>>6881378 notable pb
wait wut
>>6881378 notable pb
wait wut
that is not the mountain that collapsed on the lab full of nukular techs, is it?
the Taliban is just a subsidiary, or was at conception.
so was ISI - kek!
Americans died when no-name insisted PAK receive used F-16's.
tried to ram them into Ukraine too.
we are so close to public awareness.
amazing timeline(s)
he is not even funny when he's drunk any more, and he's pretty much always drunk
"as the only person of color on this stage" - i demand to be allowed to interrupt and launch my prepared attack on Joe "bak'o the bus" Biden.
and my non-white teflon will shield me if any one else mentions that "i am a person of color"
anti-semite got nuttin' on victim hood for 50 shades of non-beige
Williez Kamaltoe: "as the only person of color on this stageโฆ"
Andrew Yang: "wait wut yellow is not a color?"
p.s. the Chinese Exclusion Act (yellow menace and the railroads are done, thank you now leave)
came after emancipation.
victimhood Olympics thang.