Since I started doing this last night, I hit quints and good shit has happened. See >>6877777
So I’m going to keep at it.
So further hithermore, the ponderance of prayer shall be directed towards the One true source, the Creator, who’s thoughts conceived the womb of life and without his seed, none would exist. For deep are the oceans of the mysteries relating to the All and Everything, and eager are we to find light sheddeth upon such. For wisdom shall we pray and heap our gracious thanks upon the alter that lies before the feet of the One True God.
For great are all things created by he, but quick are those creations corrupted and perverted in the hands of the sullied man with unclean threads. For dirty are the garments that cover the body of work put forth by the doings of an empty vessel possessed by any spirit other than the Holy Ghost.
Your earth has been hijacked and ramsacked by thieves and glorious is your wit, for you have planned and set traps for the darkness prior to your arrival. Your foreknowing allowed man’s free will to bring about your greater good while also exposing the corruption of thoughts within and our need for your eternal holiness. You welcome the prodigal sun and he welcomes your fall upon his neck, as Jesus’ parable stated, wherewith you determine in which direction their face can gaize.
Let forth your story unfold, as still mostly unbeknownst to man, as we still perceive from the bottom side of the veil. Yet we are thankful to aid in it presently being ripped asunder.
All glory to you and the virgin womb in which your thoughts were conceived, for the mysteries of the Father son and holy ghost are known to only he that hath ears and Peter’s blade cut the right ear of the enemy off, for how so can one who only hears from their left hand path know the mysteries? For great are your mysteries God and greatful are we for seeing glimpses into your undisturbed greatness.
In your name we pray,...