lets see what it is
Not really
DJT has posted 16 tweets with "soooo"
You should start there before stretching
qmap.pub has a search function
umm… No
I stand by
50 post cunt masonshill that threatens Bakers if her stupid shit dont get notabled
basically an immature bully that has driven ex husbands to suicide type, amirite?
anons agree! (pics related)
btw if everyone else is a shill but (You)
You might be the shill. Think logically
Here is addtl info gathered from related PBs
Anons, how do I report a murder anonymously? Not a joke.
How do I report a dead body anonymously?
Bay Village, Cleveland. Right off the shore by the blue dumpster and the strip mall by Cahoon Memorial park off Lake road. Dead end across from Misty's.
Same Clown PB 5b58ee ?
This is the comms about Smollett? Someone needs to forward these messages to Chicago PD
Are yall seeing this???
Is there any sauce that Smollett was actually working for Kamala / Booker or is that just a theory?
There are comms all over the bread talking about killing Smollett all week. Wtf do you think is gonna happen if we get set up?
Hes not her nephew. She only has a sister who has a daughter.
So if that faggots body washes up in Cleveland tomorrow, guess who is gonna come here looking? I don't know if he is dead or not. He was last seen in Broward County Florida.
I didnt say I killed him, anon. I just said I dont know what is going to happen tomorrow. I didnt kill him faggot.
I dont have nothing to do with that anon. Just saying what if the poster is telling the truth
They could have killed him in florida and dumped him in Cleveland.
Night Shift motherfucker. Do you speak it?
I got real close one time, anon but she got away before I could stop her. All crying and screaming and shit. Fucking annoying.
uid 2d5e24 switches to a186d7 ?
Hoax. Ignore and filter the shills. They have been doing this all week.
Just ignore it. Dont bring unnecessary attention here. It's an obvious hoax/shill trying to slide the bread. Dont fall for it, anon.
You just reported everyone here to the FBI, dumbass. How fucking stupid could you possibly be? It is a HOAX!
This is the best most complete Histiry of Rome series ever
It would only be pinned on the chans if there was a chan wide conspiracy to cover it up or delete it
That is why we report illegal & suspicious activity promptly so that the individual can be held accountable or stopped
nah bro, i just shopped it for ya