You are doing god’s work fam.
Love you, ya glorious faggot
I ain’t even hype yet faggot, take your own advice
Not just today my nigga
They better know it
We went from FEtards to sun ain’t that far away fags?
When did this transition take place
Muh bad fam, it’s all love
Nah it’s the same as always, a circle jerk with a couple niggas actually paying attention.
Didn’t bother anon at all, we are winning too much to be bothered by the fuck shit
I’m waiting for the fake news spin cycle, gonna have many keks
You should go.
The nigga is literally risking his life to give us intel and you acting like a little bitch?
I don’t see your monkey ass going down there gathering intel so fuck off faggot.
There’s people literally dying to expose the truth while you fap to hentai and scarf tendies.