Anonymous ID: 37fd07 June 30, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6882464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2486 >>2498

For your entertainment…


From Niko House (Bernie supporter/youtuber):


Bernie Wins, Loses, and Draws at Both Debates




Their delusions are cracking. I think it's important to pay attention to the Bernie supporters. They are the ones who might be able to be red-pilled, because they have already been screwed by the Dems and by Bernie himself. They are idealists who truly want good things for people, but have been misguided on how to achieve those things….they are generally young people who have been brainwashed with socialist propaganda in school. But I have found that because they try to be thinking people, and are generally good people at heart, they sometimes will listen and have the potential to be swayed by facts and logic (unlike the rest of the sycophant identarian left).

Anonymous ID: 37fd07 June 30, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6882592   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A lot of them (myself included) came to that conclusion back then and voted for POTUS. I think a lot more will come to that conclusion as we continue into 2020. There were serious problems in the Bernie campaign then and apparently are still there now. As they realize that the campaign promotes itself to be "the people's party", but no one

(not volunteers, not state or regional coordinators) has access to reaching Bernie with ideas or feedback for the campaign, it shows them the reality of the disconnect from ideals, and starts sinking in that it's just another scam. Lots of people were pissed off about this last time around. He brings this up again in this video, so I it sounds like it's still going on and is probably worse. Pray for the Bernie people to wake up.

Anonymous ID: 37fd07 June 30, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6882663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hahaha… From the NY Times:


==A Wretched Start for Democrats

The party seems interested in helping everyone except the voters it needs.==


Amigos demócratas,


Si ustedes siguen así, van a perder las elecciones. Y lo merecerán.


Translation for the linguistically benighted: “Democratic friends, if you go on like this, you’re going to lose the elections. And you’ll deserve it.”


In this week’s Democratic debates, it wasn’t just individual candidates who presented themselves to the public. It was also the party itself. What conclusions should ordinary people draw about what Democrats stand for, other than a thunderous repudiation of Donald Trump, and how they see America, other than as a land of unscrupulous profiteers and hapless victims?


Here’s what: a party that makes too many Americans feel like strangers in their own country. A party that puts more of its faith, and invests most of its efforts, in them instead of us.


They speak Spanish. We don’t. They are not U.S. citizens or legal residents. We are. They broke the rules to get into this country. We didn’t. They pay few or no taxes. We already pay most of those taxes. They willingly got themselves into debt. We’re asked to write it off. They don’t pay the premiums for private health insurance. We’re supposed to give up ours in exchange for some V.A.-type nightmare. They didn’t start enterprises that create employment and drive innovation. We’re expected to join the candidates in demonizing the job-creators, breaking up their businesses and taxing them to the hilt.


That was the broad gist of the Democratic message, in which the only honorable exceptions, like Maryland’s John Delaney and Colorado’s John Hickenlooper, came across as square dancers at a rave.


On closer inspection, the message got even worse.


Promising access to health insurance for north of 11 million undocumented immigrants at a time when there’s a migration crisis at the southern border? Every candidate at Thursday’s debate raised a hand for that one, in what was surely the evening’s best moment for the Trump campaign.


Calling for the decriminalization of border crossings (while opposing a wall)? That was a major theme of Wednesday’s debate, underlining the Republican contention that Democrats are a party of open borders, limitless amnesty and, in time, the Third World-ization of America.


Switching to Spanish? Memo to Beto O’Rourke and Cory Booker: If you can’t speak the language without a heavy American accent, don’t bother. It just reminds those of us who can that the only thing worse than an obnoxious gringo is a pandering one.


Eliminating private health insurance, an industry that employs more than 500,000 workers and insures 150 million? Elizabeth Warren, Bill de Blasio, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris support it (though the California senator later recanted the position). Since Democrats are already committed to destroying the coal industry and seem inclined to turn Silicon Valley into a regulated utility, it’s worth asking: Just how much of the private economy are they even willing to keep?


And then there are the costs that Democrats want to impose on the country. Warren, for instance, favors universal child care (estimated cost, $70 billion a year), Medicare-For-All ($2.8 trillion to $3.2 trillion annually), student-debt cancellation and universal free college ($125 billion annually), and a comprehensive climate action plan ($2 trillion, including $100 billion in aid to poor countries), along with a raft of smaller giveaways, like debt relief for Puerto Rico.


As Everett Dirksen might have said: A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money. Someone will have to pay for all this, and it won’t just be the very rich making between seven and 10 figures a year. It will be you.


….(edited for length)


None of this means that Democrats can’t win in 2020. The economy could take a bad turn. Or Trump could outdo himself in loathsomeness. But the Democratic Party we saw this week did even less to appeal beyond its base than the president. And at least his message is that he’s on their — make that our — side.