>Anyone else notice that all this UFO talk has popped up every time
Yes, in fact Podesta is one of the bigger fans of Project Bluebeam and Ancent Aliens stuff.
It's time, not space. Interdimensional, not interstellar.
>Anyone else notice that all this UFO talk has popped up every time
Yes, in fact Podesta is one of the bigger fans of Project Bluebeam and Ancent Aliens stuff.
It's time, not space. Interdimensional, not interstellar.
Naturally whatever you think of the sodomites this would be a huge terrorist target. Pray that they are safe, we don't need martyrs.
The COVFEFE Act isn't necessary. This tweet puts Twitter SQUARELY into NARA territory.
Jack is fucked. He can't censor Trump because of national records laws. Remember when they made a big deal about being logged by the Library of Congress and then quietly stopped when Trump won?
Also if Jack censors now, he's also arguably guilty or sedition. Quite a leap from the SEC looking into you, huh you stubborn assholes?
>The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.
NK is a cloning compound. They make stepford Korean wives for high level masons. See that stuff Brice was pushing about MK Ultra isn't 100% true. Presidential Models = Past Masters. Anyway these are the meat puppets that William Gibson wrote about in some of his books. The real thing is better than a sex bot.
>Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes
I remember Jimmy Carter being sent there as a weapons inspector (he's a nuclear engineer) about 20 years ago. It's not all of a sudden.
Also "nuclear" is likely a code for something else. Bioweapons most likely.
>Is former president Carter being used as a last effort by the DS since they already used up most of their ammo
Yes. He's a senile old man and it's shameful what they are doing with his corpse. I will pray for him.
>trans D parasitic unitary intelligence
This can be hacked and made good. Think Terminator 2. I believe this is what Trump is doing with the masonic hivemind (my name for it).