TY Baker
No kidding, the Pantifa attack is a conspiracy to deprive Ngo of fundamental rights.
They planned, prepared, and executed the attack deliberately.
Feds need to make arrests and put these thugs away for hard time.
Feds murdered Lavoy Finicum in Oregon to protect Hillary's uranium deal.
Conviction of these degenerates when?
This, the Western propaganda which got America fighting alongside the Soviet Union.
Roosevelt admired mass murderer Joseph Stalin.
The Holodomor in Ukraine, the systematic murder and starvation of tens of millions of ethnic Germans and Russians had already occured.
Western intelligence made up the lie of the Holocaust and six gorrilion gassed,
in order to justify the murder of twelve million more Germans after WW2 had ended.
Why does Europe have laws against Holocaust denial?
God will have vengeance, be assured.
Concrete doesn't do much chemical damage in those amounts.
Straight quicklime might do more.
Its not this chemical attack that did the injury, but blunt trauma that sent him to the hospital.
You don't have any idea who I am.
You are not familiar enough with anons to differentiate.
This board, Q, and Trump are not Nazi, and you don't need to be concerned with how the board looks.
But part of the mission here is to look critically at the WW1 and WW2 narrative taught today.
And when one does, one sees that the good guys lost.
That the Nazis final solution was to deport Jews to Palestine.
That America sided with a Communist mass murderer.
That the Jewish Holocaust was a fabrication of Western propaganda.
And that the true Holocaust was carried out by the Allies on the surviving women and children of Germany after the war.
You get that, right?
The only defense of yours is to link me with something with a bad connotation.
>you glow
How about the German cities leveled by firebombs with civilians still inside, needlessly, pre planned and methodical?
City after city, women and children melted into the asphalt roads, firestorms enough to melt steel?
Jewish Holocaust is the most hokey full of holes historical fiction fairy tale being peddled today.
So thats a lie, who is responsible for maintaining it, teaching our kids it, and why do they do it?
Why are we being indoctrinated into belief in gassed Jews instead of starved Russians and firebombed and mass raped German civilians?
These are all very relevant Q questions.