That is the Law Firm James Jatras was part of, a GLOBALONEYIST Law Firm with all kinds of connections to the DEEP STATE. BUT HEY they Hate the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS
no they are not you MOtherfucking RETARD
glad you made it red because now I believe you You Random Fuck RETARD
Tucker Carlson By Trump's Side At Korean DMZ, But Where Was Bolton?
you mean the same Tucker Carlson who had Tulsi Gabbard the socialist on his show & she is known for loving Basahr Al-Assad
thank God you still live in Mommy & Daddy's basement & will never get laid let alone Procreate ECOWATCH ? hahahahahashahahahahahahahahahahas
yes dog fucker I am a Marxist wasting my fucking time on a Gorgeous Sunday afternoon before going back to work Monday to try to win you over
! Good Lord you are so insane you are happy
99% of the people are so Fucking Nutz they shoudl be in rubber room ward of local hospital