A comedian, a joke and a black science man walk into a bar…..stop me if you heard this one already….
it is almost the entire 'professional class' that is the actual enemy of the people….
The two thumbprint method? A personal favorite of mine.
Anderson Cooper's sire?
Pol Pot too….but maybe it is the natural evolution of a type of society. Cycles back and forth. But if you look at the almost monolithically Blue voting pattern of the "educated" class….it makes one wonder. Keep in mind I have lived in both worlds extensively so can speak to it but only from my anecdotal experiences.
I get that. I did it too for 25 years. Just saying Wall St, DC, Hollywood, educators, legal pros, IT, medicine, suburban soccer moms, most in the city etc are all sold out Libs and it is not changing anytime soon. Most of their votes come from there, not illegal aliens and minorities.
These are the folks who hate Trump and almost made Hillary president….so how are they not the biggest threat? They are going to try it again,
ah fuck, i just (you)'d muhself….pushed the wrong button. Self imposed timeout.
triple doubles says it is all for true