You are federally fucked for posting that. I hope they lock you UNDER the jail.
You are federally fucked for posting that. I hope they lock you UNDER the jail.
Somebody's mad that war with NK isn't happening.
The FBI exists, you idiot. Threatening the president or his family is not only evil, but it's stupid too. Especially with all the evidence you just left behind. Federal agents know your exact location.
Oh look, the fake Nazi's and Antifa's have taken their staged protests to 8-chan. You all get to go to jail. I hope you enjoy the enhanced interrogations.
No war in Iran or NK has really got some people angry. The problem is that this one battle they can't even hope to win in the court of public opinion. Now they are getting down and dirty, and it's despicable.
Desperation is a stinky cologne.
Yes. Relationships are important. The world truly recognizes Donald J. Trump as the de facto leader of the free world. THAT is what is causing all the wailing and gnashing of teeth. HE won. WE won.
Your bullshit won't get this board taken down.
Besides, it's already too late. Much too late. The bell can't be un-rung.
Good enough. Can't disagree with the post. Last night was a tremendous success. In fact, I can't find the right superlative to do it justice.