Great example of 0 logic in you. Just who the fuck are you to condemn someone else for their beliefs? You have 0 logical proof Q was referring to Pompeo. You just assumed with out facts. Let me show you.
Q says 2 benign words and links it to an anons post about Pompeo. TRUST KANSAS. Now why didn't he just say POMPEO if he meant Pompeo??? It could NOT be because it had to be cryptic to protect the message. There were no strings, no commands given. Just 2 words TRUST KANSAS. If Q says TRUST SESSIONS and TRUST WRAY, then why didn't he say TRUST POMPEO if we are suppose to trust Pompeo? There is nothing secretive to be protected by saying it. KANSAS can mean so many different things that has nothing to do with Pompeo.
In spite of Pompeo's record of writing laws that actually hurt the American public, you want to trust him, then go right ahead. Just remember, RT was "trusted" until a few days ago when he got canned.
But don't be a libtard and condemn someone for disagreeing with you. That shows ignorance.