This is counterintelligence. Nothing is literal, even when the literal meaning is right there in front of your face. If a counterintelligence operative does not dig deep, peeling back the layers and playing the moves forward into the future, then you never see the whole story.
SUBcontractor was recovered. Hostage crew of the clown SUBmarine have been freed, and no doubt the navy has taken charge of the submarine as well. The CIA fleet is no more.
SUBliminal messages are all around us. Pay attention and you can read them consciously and lear the true motives of those sending them.
SUBstitute symbols for real things to confuse the enemy.
SUBordinate yourself to the cabal if you wish, but your game is ending and you will lose.
SUBtle messages are easy to miss if you do not pay attention.
If you want to improve your ability to recognize and master patterns, learn a few other languages, French, SPanish, German, Russian, Mandarin. And read the works of Doug Hofstadter
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Hofstadter#Published_works
I especially like Le Ton Beau De Marot which is mostly in English in spite of the French pun in the name.