Some digestzen will take care of that if you rub the oil around your belly button. Baby wipes (or ranch wipes) will help with the burn.
Your video game server down for maintenance? Or did your cardinal call and tell you if you don't start posting his team will show up for their annual sodomy fest. Then it could be understood you are really just looking for USSS to help you escape.
And I used to think I was living in a time that would be forgotten in History.
Thank you for service anon! You have as many supports as POTUS!
Thanks anon, if you are here and don't know about then anons suggest lurk and then lurk a little more.
Gotta carry my ranch wipes with me everywhere.
You understand being in a different country only provides USSS easier forms of 'detention'. Your government will gladly serve you up knowing what is about to happen.