Anonymous ID: 97e8df May 5, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.9048002   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I have been working on a document for my in-laws to try and ease fears and open eyes about what's really going on. This is written for normies and I tried to include plenty of documentation from trusted/established sources. I thought it might be useful for your own redpill attempts. I also welcome all suggestions for improvement and crafting redpills.


Dear Normie,


I thought I should put together some of the data I was talking about for you to check out. We already know the the media lies about Christians, Republicans, and climate change, or whatever you might agree on and I believe they (and others) are also causing a lot of panic about COVID-19 and making a real virus seem much worse and much more dangerous than it is. Here are some things to consider:



  • The homepage of the CDC has a link at the top to COVID-19 information. If you click on it, you get their COVID-19 homepage. You can click on “Cases in the U.S.” which takes you here:


  • As I write, it shows the number of deaths to be 68,279. That is a high number, but remember, WITH mitigation, the models showed we would have 100,000 - 200,000 deaths. Original projected deaths: US


  • So we are far below their best-case scenario, but it still seems like a lot, until you find out that during last year’s flu season, 80,000 Americans died, and we did zero mitigation because while it was a bad flu season, it is still typical.


  • But it may be even better than that. Because if you click “about the data” on that CDC coronavirus page, you will find out that the death total includes confirmed AND PROBABLE cases. Wait, what? Is that how “science” is done? This doctor doesn’t think so, who went on Fox News to express his disbelief that the CDC was directing doctors to write COVID-19 on death certificates if they just suspected COVID-19 was the cause.


  • I was surprised so I looked it up myself. Here are the guidelines; see page 2, fourth paragraph down:


  • The news gets better, though. On a different page of the CDC website, it lists total US deaths from coronavirus again, this time broken down by week. Here the total is nearly 40,000, which is 30,000 LESS than reported on the first page we looked at. Even accounting for a lag in reporting, this seems extreme. And from what I understand, the adjustment made to this secondary, more detailed number was made over night last week. Was it because a lot of “presumed” COVID-19 deaths were taken off the record because this is bad science? I haven’t seen any comment from the CDC.


  • More good news from the perspective of risk to the general population: at appears that HALF of those deaths,20,000 were in nursing homes:


  • Further, let’s look at the number of flu deaths this year compared to previous years. We were slightly below previous years but comparable, when suddenly the reported deaths took a sharp dive, while COVID-19 deaths began to rise. Interesting. Is this because there is financial incentive to classify deaths as COVID-19? Chart here:

  • Next is a link to a CDC chart showing the following: COVID-19 deaths; deaths including flu, pneumonia, and COVID-19; deaths from ALL causes; and the percent of overall expected deaths. The overall expected deaths remain in the upper 80’s to mid-90’s percent-wise. How can this be if we are experiencing a pandemic that is killing people by the thousands who wouldn’t have otherwise died?