""'This should display in bold italics when I post"'"
"This should appear in italics only"
""'This should again appear in bold italics""'
_ This text should appear underlined;
whereas this shouldn't.
and _ This text should appear underlined
_and so should this?
This should have read in small text?
or this _ _ should have read in small text?
which would answer the question of a space between underline or not?
red text is two equals signs
= = with a space = =
or without
~~This will let me know if I can strike through red text ~~ without spaces between both equal signs and wavy ones whatever they're called? ~ ~ = = or with a space = = ~ ~
" Italics " with a space between mark and word
"italics" without the space twixt text and marks
two apostrophe's without a space between them or ' ' with the spaces ' '
italics in red which is underlined
''bold italics''
~~''this is in red, bold italics struckthrough and underlined.''~~
underlined text
~~struckthrough underlined text~~
~~struckthrough and underlined~~
~~what's this?~~
what's this?
~~- -what's this?- -~~
~~struckthrough and underlined~~
<pink text
>what kind of text?