>coconut Bliss Ice Cream
looks like it anons
in America shooting them for throwing cement and acid would fall under self defense. so not advocating violence but defending oneself against assault and possible deadly assault is justified
mom of 12 year old drag queen prostitutes him to gay bars and possibly gay men… wants world to think she is a worried mom? Nigga puhleeeeez… like anyone is going to believe this sick bitch gives one damn about her child?
possibly, depends what state they are in. I would say… in my state, you can defend yourself from an attack like this if you are in fear for your life.
I think about this too anon. God provides for us all, it was that way at one time… but it goes back to ancient times and taxation, being owned like good little slaves to banks, churches, corporations etc. just never ends…
oh I see a rectum shitting some crapola out... you are so funny. yep youre going to kill the president ... you live in fantasy land
not happening. he is well protected.
not CTA, he is scum but not rectal fecal scum like this anuspanifa faggot…. weak as fuck soy boy.
please tell me this is a joke