The board has been comped since AnimeJack took over and brought along a bunch of sterile, israel first, bakers with him.
>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164
Still has this ridiculous bullshit shit in the bread. trying to steer anons away from Voat QRV (which Q designated for all of us),one of the most JQ woke places on the internet, onto some non-anonymous board he created without Q's permission.
Got nothing but downvoats from anons btw. Still has it up in the bread. Total bullshit.
None of this stops us, just be aware of their fuckery. His BV was posting scat porn and Child gore porn at the same exact time jews were posting scat/gore/fag porn all over Voat QRV. It's all a coordinated to
scare legit anons off
keep discussion of israel to a minimum (Especially keep it out of the notables)
potential get the our comms shut down completely
Attempts to silence us will fail.