Anonymous ID: 030c6f July 1, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6887461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can take it a step further…


"Think mirror."


What would happen, to ((You)), if you woke up… woke up your box, and it was kiosked into a singular PID, (minus kernal procs) a RTMP of ((You)) cycling all different angles, non-stop, everywhere you go.


Furthermore, imagine that if you could sleep the next day, after rising from asunder, you open the lid of your slate, and you get a feedback loop, of your vision.


Even further… as soon as you try to show someone it disappears. Instantly. No sudo shit.




Finally, imagine if unbeknownst to you, every person who does what ((You)) do, is experiencing the SAME EXACT THING!


How would you tell your friends? Your family? Your co-workers? YOURSELF!?


That's how she feels, but worse.


I **almost**** feel ba-


Nah, bitch. You still gonna burn.


In the holy refining fires of the Galactic Central Sun - that is of course ((You)) are still plugged in.