become a supreme court judge and undo all the damage she has done
in exchange for her life
or Chelseas life?
become a supreme court judge and undo all the damage she has done
in exchange for her life
or Chelseas life?
prison solves nothing but revenge
a true and just punishment would be to be forced to undo what she has done until the day of her natural death
the "power" she has would be completely controlled by white hats
why should tax payers pay for hr room and board
I agree on incarceration but a different kind
be forced to use her "talents" to undo the damage she has done
she knows too much about too many people to not be an asset to use against the cabal
think of it this way
we have it all
we have everything to put her and others away for many lifetimes
or possibly executed
she and the others have been told this
they are no longer free
they are be trotted out in public but are under complete control of the white hats
they were given a choice death or do what we say
do you think she is free?
do you think she doesn't know she is fucked?
no matter how much you hate her you have to know she is highly intelligent
she would be in hiding if she could
she would not be giving public speeches
no way in hell would she still be alive
the enemy knows she knows way too much
she is being protected now by white hats
not because they love her but because she is a very powerful tool
why waste this tool when it can be turned against the cabal for good?
the problem with "eliminating" her is that there are still too many mind fucked people out there that would martyr her
every time she speaks she loses more of her base
every time she speaks she destroys her own base that she has spent years building
if we cut her head off how many more will grow from it?
she has to be the one to destroy her own image
so this can be ended for good
trust the plan fren
it is really quite amazing at the brillliance of it all
I can't explain it well
but I can see it
and once you get how it works
it becomes easier to see
but strangely hard to put into words
have you listened to these libtards out there?
they will believe nothing they are told unless it is by their masters
their derangement syndrome is real
it can only be undone by the ones who hypnotized them
I am not crazy about the idea of her being on the supreme court either
but her lemmings would happily follow
and eliminate a huge population of "problem" thinkers