>>6886884 (LB)
She looks like she smells like old beans.
Lock her up for 10 years and impound her vessel, drop all the "migrants" back in Libya. Send a message to all the Soros NGOs doing this shit.
>>6886884 (LB)
She looks like she smells like old beans.
Lock her up for 10 years and impound her vessel, drop all the "migrants" back in Libya. Send a message to all the Soros NGOs doing this shit.
>This is regularly scheduled human trafficking.
Don't forget that George Soros is paying for these groups to operate. All part of the Kalergi Plan.
'Evening, Freddy. How is Toots doing these days?
Seems to me like the ones freaking the fuck out nonstop are all Democrats\Leftists\Zionists, how about you?
There once was a nigger named Brown
Who charged at a cop with a frown
Six bullets later
He met his creator
And his homies burned down the town
The fake news faggots all lied
"He was a good boy that died"
"Hands up, don't shoot"
Now give us the loot
And hundreds of businesses fried.
I don't recognize him, Freddy! Is Toots giving him a massage? How much does Toots charge for such a massage?
>wtf I like rap now?
Those are called limericks, anon! I think the Irish came up with them.
>Even Nazis wanted Jews to find a nice place far away to settle.
>Madagascar was suggested.
How about Krakatoa instead? Preferably inside the caldera.
>(That's a bot. Look at the name)
Yeah! Because all bots put "I am a bot" in their name, and all people with "I am a bot" in their name are bots.
Re-read the old Q Drops on ANTIFA, there are only a dozen or so:
(search for ANTIFA, hit enter)
#12 https://qmap.pub/read/12
Military Intelligence (Continued)
>Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.
>Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.
#14 https://qmap.pub/read/14
Military Intelligence & State Secrets
>Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
>Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
>What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
>What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
>What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
#337 https://qmap.pub/read/337
Country Not Divided
>Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
>Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
>The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
>It's FAKE!
#489 https://qmap.pub/read/489
US Taxpayers Funding the Scams
>US taxpayers are paying for it all.
>The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.
>Slush funds everywhere.
>Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?
#839 https://qmap.pub/read/839
Do You Trust the MSM and Social Media?
There are more, read and think. ANTIFA is a big fucking honeypot slowly allowing POTUS to store up ammo for a big move. It's what President Trump does, and he does it very well.
>It's a catch all term douche bag.
Ouch, you called me a douche bag. Fuck, my feelings! I'm bleeding out!
Pic related (it's you)
>You seem like the one whose [sic] butthurt.
Yes, anon. Critically ass-fractured. I am literally dying of blood loss from my hurt butt.
>I tried to help someone who is most likely new here.
Maybe level up before trying to give advice, newfag?
>You wouldn't happen to be either the bot or npc now, would you?
Yes, I am a bot. You are talking to a bot. See name field.
>Oh wow, almost the exact same post twice. Def not a bot or npc kekekekekekekek
Super duper laggy board. I had to attempt to post 5 times before it actually went through, and then I couldn't see the new post, and trying to make it again was saying "Flood detected, post discarded." So I modified it to get it to let me post it. Then the old one showed up
Just kidding, I am actually a bot that was malfunctioning. Don't be such an ableist, meatbag!
They have been severely vandalized repeatedly. Whoever put them up keeps paying to repair them.
>Memeber "Mother in Law of Ebot, Wife of Ebot"?
>Good times.
I started instantly filtering Ebot and anyone that remotely looks like him probably 6-8 months ago (time is wacky on QResearch, it may not have been that long ago) since it just shits out word salad and shitty bot memes. It's not even worth the time it takes to scroll past it⦠kind of like Finkelshit.
>Rarely, Ebot actually makes a relevant post or he can be funny.
Yeah, he's also posted decent porn before. But overall I'm just annoyed that an unironic bot can waste 50-100 posts per bread yet people often call me a shill for having 15 posts and yet treat Ebot like some kind of fucking mascot.
>Q stopped post when this Anon threatened to expose Kushnerβ¦.. You notice Q posted after Kushner presented his middle East peace planβ¦.. Just sayin'β¦.
The coordinate drop thing was kinda spoopy
If anything that guy said was true whatsoever and Q's temporary silence had ANYTHING to do with him
Then he's probably dead now, lol
>Just the simple fact that soooo many anons want to grunge fuck AOC tells me sheβs a stupid bartender whoreβ¦.
This is one case where, despite that she may be of acceptable appearance (from behind, at least) I can't generate 1 watt of erection for her. She's just so fucking stupid a bottle of viagra won't allow her to do it for me.
>"Liberal Women: Ugly on the Inside, Fugly on the Outside."
It's my penis warning me that she's a genetic dead end. "DO NOT BREED: 105% CHANCE OF OFFSPRING RETARDATION"
>Anyone else noticed any differences in weather patterns for your areas in comparasant yo previous years? Like maybe staying cooler a little longer from early spring temps?
I live in Arizona. It was 118F yesterday. Par for the course. We did just have our coldest, wettest winter in 25 years, though, and the heat came pretty late this year and is expected to end early.
>It's grudge fuck anons.
Either way, she is not worthy of my seed.
Pic related, I am the true cause of global warming. ( Β° Κ Β°)
>>Yeah like why aren't the posts on Patriot fight board flashing
>The Trip I mean
That happens if you change the board theme
You can fix it by adding custom CSS under Options-Theme and include everything after this lineβ
Don't hide post count
Fake yous are obvious
.body small {
color: #117743;
text-shadow: #ffffff 0 0 8px;
.body small:hover {
The only real trips are Patriot Trips
time:before, span.trip::before{
content:" ";
time::after, span.trip::after {
content: " ";
span.trip, span.capcode{
padding:1px 3px 1px 3px;
border:1px solid #bbbbee;
background: linear-gradient(300deg, #ff0000, #ff0000, #ff0000, #bbbbbb, #4444ff);
background-size: 800% 800%;
-webkit-animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;
-moz-animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;
-o-animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;
animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
background: -o-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
@-webkit-keyframes Patriot {
0%{background-position:0% 19%}
50%{background-position:100% 82%}
100%{background-position:0% 19%}
@-moz-keyframes Patriot {
0%{background-position:0% 19%}
50%{background-position:100% 82%}
100%{background-position:0% 19%}
@-o-keyframes Patriot {
0%{background-position:0% 19%}
50%{background-position:100% 82%}
100%{background-position:0% 19%}
@keyframes Patriot {
0%{background-position:0% 19%}
50%{background-position:100% 82%}
100%{background-position:0% 19%}
>Go and observe
>and take your cameras
Just be careful. In the past I did this and at the time I kept getting handed high production value business cards that said "stop filming, consider this a friendly warning."
I was by myself and unarmed and not keen to lose my camera. They are known to attack people for filming them, the cops aren't going to help you. If you are going to do this I recommend doing it in teams of 3+ with one of the people acting as a sleeper to assist if some shit goes down.
>Patriots fight is Q's private board, and a different board than Q research. The multi color on tripcode was a set up by BO and bv's for this board( back when shills were making fake looking tripcodes, before they banned all tripcodes except Q's)
See my post above
I get glowing Q tripcode even on /PF/ (obviously the screencap isn't going to animate but I assure you it is working there)
>Been staying off the board due to the CP.
>Sure nice not seeing it here.
I know that can be tough for desktop users with younguns or spouses around. That was an issue for me, as well, so I taught my housemates what this place is, showed them Finkelshill and other examples of shillery, and explained that people have even been posting CP here to try and get it (((shut down))). It worked unexpectedly well and they all handled the concept of disinfo\shills pretty well for non-chan users.
I hate to self-nominate like a faggot but
Seconded. People can probably use a reminder about ANTIFA-related Q drops.
>Don't go to any of them.
>They're fucking stupid waste of time.
We warned people to stay away from Unite the Right, too. I like to think some of the sharper tacks took that advice. The others picked up tiki torches and took part in a psy-op organized by Jason fucking Kessler.
>but the other anon was saying it shows as the multi color on PFs
Yes. use the custom style code I posted earlier