Am a retiredAnon. Not looking for trouble but will defend my corner if shit comes knockin’. Will be there for my neighbors too if they need it.
I think there is a very real ingrained instinct in anons here, (and a very good thing at that), to defend these boards.
Most ironically, remembering how important the information and intelligence sharing here, anons, must separate themselves from their instincts to involve themselves in situations involving real conflict.
If an anon were to be the type to “get involved” in street conflicts, then it’s probably best not mentioned on this board.
This board is of paramount importantance over any involvement in street conflicts. Anons, must, if not in thought then, in spoken word sublimate any passions they mey have, to protect this board.
This board is like Bletchley Park(sp?) in comparison to some need to counter a very aggressive enemy. Sometimes it requires almost Ghandi-esque self-control. (Picture a Ghandi fluent in profanity in many languages. That would be “Ghandi 8-Chan.” tm
Anyway, if you don’t see heroAnons here, then you shouldn’t.