Anonymous ID: 0be339 July 1, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.6887753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7783 >>7795 >>7864 >>7867 >>8197


Video shows Dr Valentina Zharkova, who made the world's first millennium-scale space weather forecast. "Zharkova was one of the few that correctly predicted solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 — only 2 out of 150 models predicted this":


She is predicting a possible mini Ice Age that will kick in seriously from 2030, if not earlier. She is NOT popular with the climate change crowd, and they have tried very hard to shut her up. However, she says at the beginning of this video that she is a "tough cookie" who is not so easy to silence.


I've just started watching this video, so I don't know what else she's saying … but I just cannot wait to see the faces of the climate change mafia when Donald Trump is proved absolutely correct in declaring that all this climate change talk is a hoax. And the evidence will be the thermometer in your house, showing freezing.


Listen, I know they are choking on the carbon pollution in China, I'm all for clean air. But if we are really heading for an ice age, we should be storing fuel and food and digging up all the coal we can right now and putting it in silos.


You want to prepare for climate change: buy warm clothing. We have already experienced record low temperatures and epic snowstorms in the last 12 months.

Anonymous ID: 0be339 July 1, 2019, 4:55 a.m. No.6887910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7917


This is why we're here: we know that the MSM is wall-to-wall lies, disinformation and propaganda. And more and more people are waking up to this fact.


It's the same with 5G: it's not a scientific argument at all. We've known from the 1950s that microwaves are dangerous, there are a minimum of 20,000 scientific papers saying this, but it's all covered up by the media. I've said over and again, including at scientific congresses, that this is not a scientific issue at all, it's purely a media issue now.


All the action is happening in the forums; there's no truth in the universities, in the media, in politics (until DJT came along, anyway). This is why they are trying so desperately to shut every forum down, why Fakebook is banning anyone who dares so much as post a single peer-reviewed scientific paper expressing even mild criticism of vaccination. It's a vast, vast war, and we are winning, I am certain of this. The fact that DJT is POTUS is proof.


I wish your President would come clean on 5G, which is my main issue, but he is 100% on the money with climate change, so I'm sticking with him, for now anyway. He's proved that he can up-end the globalist MSM narrative, and that's why I'm here.

Anonymous ID: 0be339 July 1, 2019, 5 a.m. No.6887920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Again, the Russians were charting climate change on all the planets over 20 years ago, a famous paper by Alexey Dmitriev, which I expect is still online somewhere.


Zharkova's work, however, really upped the ante, and she was able to retrodict 500 years of solar history with her model.


The video here is her co-author, Dr Elena Popova, who has gone deeper into the climate implications. These people are very careful and cautious scientists, but as I said before on this forum, if I'm getting a weather forecast, I want it from this researcher.