>if you can't understand
>then this won't really make sense.
true of most shilling
if you ride him hard he loses his cool and admits he's a lefty shill.
those who argue for his "special needs" status are just support shills.
seeing similarities between marketanon's and ff cauldron anon's graphics. like they sit in the same cube farm
shills put a good bit of work into all their posts
the resemblance i see today is in the font and word placements. looks very similar.
marketanon adds nothing useful. it's filler that shill bakers add.
>don't even know who that is
ideally yes, because that's how anonymity works.
you're saying you know? how, discord chat?
>and fuck you
sign of a shill, let's just cuss at people. such logic.
do you even speak english?
what's the difference between "market" and "marketing" in the common vernacular?
note how this guy presses on with his conclusion based on his presumption.
have a look at marketfag sXs with ff cauldron shill. same fonts.
right more cussing.
you guys are really bothered that your precious marketfag graphics got busted.
outed the shills this bread