CNN adores Antifa and on countless occasions has encouraged and defended these left-wing terrorists as heroic and necessary.
Although Antifa’s domestic terrorism has been well-documented for years — riots, beatings, threats, etc. — in support of Antifa’s violence against CNN’s enemies, it has told America that….
Antifa fights for a “good cause.”
Antifa’s fight “is right.”
Antifa’s punches are more “equal morally” than others.
Antifa is “on the side of right.”
Antifa is right because “sometimes you can’t fight by praising them or being nice to them. You gotta fight fire with fire…”
Antifa is as heroic as the America soldiers who stormed the beaches on D-Day.
Antifa harassing Ted Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant is “what he signed up for.”
…any criticism Antifa is “racist” (even though Antifa is predominantly white).
CNN’s crusade to create a climate of hate and violence against Trump and his supports extends beyond encouraging Antifa.
As I have previously documented….
CNN lied to turn the Trayvon Martin story into a black vs. white narrative, CNN falsely identified George Zimmerman (the man who shot and killed Martin in self-defense) as white. Zimmerman is Hispanic.
CNN fabricated evidence against Zimmerman with the false claim he used a racial slur while calling 9-1-1.
CNN’s Jake Tapper stood in the middle of the Ferguson, Missouri, tinderbox and poured gasoline all over it with a hysterical anti-police rant.
Just after the riots in Ferguson finally ceased, to gin things back up, CNN released unverified audio of what they claimed was the shooting of Michael Brown. The audio has still not been verified and there is one gunshot missing.
No other news outlets pushed the incendiary Ferguson lie about “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” more than CNN.
CNN openly called for rioting in Baltimore.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Marc Lamont Hill, and Miguel Martinez, openly attacked and sewed seeds of mistrust against those police officers trying to bring calm to Baltimore.
CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin suggested Baltimore cops were staffed with unstable war veterans.
CNN attempted to turn the man who tried to assault then-candidate Donald Trump into a folk hero.
CNN regularly encourages the idea that Trump is another George Wallace (who was shot in an assassination attempt); that violence against Trump and his supporters is legitimate and Trump’s fault; that he is mentally unstable — or in the words of Jake Tapper “unmoored, unhinged, and un-American.”
CNN compares Trump to Hitler; claims that he is Putin’s Manchurian candidate; that he is an illegitimate president.
After presenting the president as a unique threat and danger to the country, CNN points what looks like a sniper scope at Trump’s Oval Office window.
As you can see, CNN firmly believes political violence is the way forward, that brutality and intimidation and the threat of violence are a legitimate means for the left to impose its will on the American people.
So once you understand that CNN is one of the primary instigators and defenders of Antifa and political violence in general, Stelter cov