From last bread.. if you're a leftist and an anon, then you're not a leftist.
You can't have a contradiction like that.
Right, like the other anon said. Communist garbage.
You may have come from the occupy movement, but we all come from some direction.
Question is, you can't possibly buy into that trash now, right?
Classic liberal speaking here, which is where I think most of us are/should be.
Not sure you grasp the meaning of classic liberal.
I believe in free speech, gay marriage, abortion, guns, death penalty, and small as fuck government, liberty.
Somehow these elements got divvied up by political parties.
Perhaps, but I think reality shows us that unwanted kids are incredibly damaging to society.
In addition, I don't believe retards should be getting born, or massive birth defects, kids from rapists, and the life of a teen getting trashed for a childhood mistake.
Not an easy issue to come to grips with, and I very much respect the anti-ab people, it's murder, no doubt. Greater good is not always easy to swallow.
The foster system is akin to adoption, and yes, it's a piece of shit.
Adoption is a sensible choice for many. But not allowing abortion is a form of tyranny. Free will.
When people performed infanticide 20,000 years ago, were they murderers? Personal choice isn't always easy.
Anyone dabbling in that anarchist / communist belief system is a soros tool, and is kinda in the wrong place, or on the verge of waking up to a wider reality.
It's ok to realize your beliefs are wrong.
Was that true 20,000 years ago with no technology to stop pregnancy and a new baby mid winter without enough food to feed the tribe as it stood?
The wold is more complex than the simplistic left v right divide over abortion.
Point is you should have the choice. It's not free will to force a family to take on the burden. Some will, some won't.
I personally would not, and would not want a tyrannical government forcing me to do it.
Leads to abuse.