I already know that Mueller is a black hat turned white hat with a promise from Trump for a Pardon when this is all said and done. His name will be forever disgraced but he will not face punishment for his crimes. In a way, he will be looked upon as a hero when the history books are rewritten. BUT… he did courier uranium.
There's another version of this I think from /pol/ but I don't have it.
>I believe in free speech, gay marriage, abortion, guns, death penalty, and small as fuck government, liberty.
why the hell do you believe in gay marriage and abortion, pray tell me?
Death penalty for what? Would you support the death penalty for murderers? Why, of course, you would!!!! So what the fuck is abortion?
Do you not believe that the marriage of a man & woman is to procreate? To have a family? To further the country? To protect the family unit in the event of the death of one? To ensure that our country is here in 100 years? So pray tell me why the fuck do you support gay marriage?
Not to mention the fact that they put a cock in each other's ass or a hand up each other's vajajay to have "orgasms" or to "get off". Their "marriage" is about the physical and nothing more…. nothing spiritual about it in any way shape or form.
Other than that we might be able to agree.
But until you figure out what the hell you are supporting then you better THINK a lot harder!!!!
They can't have what they've never been included in , in the first place.
I will say this much… I don't think the Government has any business endorsing marriage licenses. It used to be the business of the Family Bible and the Minister who performed the marriage.
Why? Lots of shit happening if you are looking.
Rome wasn't built in a day. Amazing that this shit hole is being destroyed as fast as it is.
What if Bill Gates and Trump are now working together to defeat the cabal and Bill Gates has his software programmers on the job? Maybe we're waiting for them to put a stop to the idiots who are trying to take down the Internet?
I have no clue what they talked about, that's just what came to mind just now.
Good to hear just your leg. Hill country? I hear that kind of land is hell to own tractors.
I was working out in the mountains of Wyoming near Cody way back in 2005 on a dude ranch. I was the maintenance guy. I needed to go to a different part of the ranch, and decided to take the old Craftsman 42" 18hp lawnmower. Said lawnmower was going too slow on a downhill, so I disengaged the transmission and let it freewheel. All was going good until I got to where I was going and needed to stop. Was going too fast, lawnmower brakes didn't work, put it in gear to stop it and transmission exploded. All this time I was still going down the hill and going faster and faster. I couldn't ride out the road because it ended in a rock wall at the bottom across a busy highway. Road was a bit over a mile long. I got about a quarter of the way down and decided it would be a good idea to slow down the mower by running it through sagebrush. So steered off the road, and hit some sagebrush with the left front tire. Instantly rolled the lawnmower and I went flying. Had to find my glasses and my head was ringing. Walked back to the ranch and told the boss the lawnmower was busted. They didn't say much, was probably just glad I didn't have to go to the hospital. I was 22.
I was also working on the dude ranch next door that same summer and was running down a mountain and threw out my knee, ran down a sand bank then hit a rock outcropping. Took my knee 10 yrs to heal from that and still gets tired easily if I'm doing stairs or not watching which direction I walk in.
Village idiot anon here, good to see y'all lurking.
Totally agree. I want nothing to do with institutionalized religion. I barely go to Independent Baptist and I can thoroughly piss off Southern Baptists in here because they are NOT independent Baptist at all.
Good job anon.
The ONE thing I would agree with is letting nature take it's course. No need to "prolong life" with all these ridiculous medical interventions that they do nowadays.