I'm not trying to convince you that healthcare in the US is cheaper than anywhere else. All I'm trying to do is to inform you that government healthcare aka socialist healthcare aka universal healthcare is shit. It's worth shit! Please look up how many people in Europe use private doctors?! And when I mean private, I mean for CASH… The wait lines for universal healthcare , especially for elective procedures is retarded. My 93 yo grandmother was given an appointment for cataracts surgery for July 2019… Take a moment and let that porcelain sink in… Thank God my family has the means and she will have surgery next month..paid in cash/private clinic, private Dr! … England's universal healthcare got shot down 2 months ago under the weight of the flu. A fucken flu brought down UK.. All elective procedures were canceled until further notice( we are still in the " further notice" timeframe… Think! Research! And stop trusting Bernie and other socialists dumbasses. .. The quality of universal healthcare is equivalent to Obama phones/ secion8/ Medicaid/foodstamps/VA and so on. You get what you pay for
Agree Anon. Why am I on this board having to red pill commies? ….. For all Nazi communists , and to all the faggots who think socialism is somehow better. GTFO and move to a socialist or Communist country! ..what the fuck happened to this board? I didn't survive communism for this shit! Over my dead body! Fucken retards!