NWO, N = nuclear, nihilist, neoliberal, new, Nordic, necrophilic, necrotic, nasty, neurotic, neo-pelagian, nephilim, Nimrod, or na-na-na-na na-na-na-na hey-hey-hey good-bye!
soother time?
just a bit of levity
Ivanka seems more diplomatic than Rex appeared to be.
I recall getting the creeps watching an episode of CSI (Vegas) where adults were partying in animal costumes in a hotel. I didn't know why it was so disturbing until I learned about pedogate/pizzagate. They don't dress up in costumes for each other but for their small helpless victims.
One of the worst things about Soros is that the money he spreads around is not even his - as Q hinted early on - it is taxpayer money collected thru various criminal/fraud schemes or wealth stolen thru insider trading and currency speculation.
The stated goal of communism/luciferianism is to destroy the family, Christianity and the nation. The three institutions God fashioned for the benefit of humanity.
As well as do away with private property and freedom.
This is why atheism is a dead end.
The issue is that sex has been separated from its natural consequence (i.e. pregnancy and children). The result is degradation of women, mothers and children (and men). Sex is meant for people living in a stable loving home that can welcome children – that is why marriage was instituted. Self-control and respect for others prevents "unwanted children". Too many live in denial of reality and think that uncommitted sex is okay.
Plus abortion is actually a sacrifice to moloch and helps empower the demonic.
Catholic leadership did not try to stop the people from accessing the Bible. It was the Catholic church that first made the Bible available in multiple languages. The Bible was hand written by monks and was therefore a lifelong labor of love and only wealthy people or a group of people (i.e. the Church) could afford such a beautiful and important work. The rosary was devised to help teach the poor and/or illiterate the life, passion and death of Christ without having to read. The majority of people could not read. Most anti-Catholic info is just fake news/history.
They did not have the printing press at the time I am referencing.