Where's the proof? Sauce or it didn't happen & you are a primo liar attention whore.
Exactly, anon. I mentioned it SEVERAL times last night & was jeered off the board practically. Logically, "the hunt" for "red October" ended, per Q. That means they found it. Red October refers to a submarine in the movie. Then Q says "we have the sub" & "hostage release". Seems pretty straight forward to me.
I disagree on the "singular hostage" interpretation. Q said "hostage release", not hostage releasED or A hostage release. JMHO of course but seems like "hostage release" could certainly be more than one.
I couldn't agree more. There is ALL kinds of birth control out there. No excuses.
Could be but Q never referred to Snowden as anything but @Snowden. Why would it change now & become some sort of code speak?
For you maybe, not for everyone. Scroll by if it doesn't interest you, by all means.
I don't trust or believe Cernovich.
I said I found it interesting. Not that I believed any of it. That's all.
I knew it.