If he can’t get in with tripcode, he is locked out of 8ch, including ga, which ONLY allows his trip.
You are so full of smegma it isn't funny.
While your "confession" is too little too late, your faux concern for anonymity flew out the window when you doxed yourself by proclaiming "you and your team" created double reverse wienerhosen bots for twatter. If you are 4 real=deadmeat on a poopy platter.
>You are so full of smegma it isn't funny.
>While your "confession" is too little too late, your faux concern for anonymity flew out the window when you doxed yourself by proclaiming "you and your team" created double reverse wienerhosen bots for twatter. If you are 4 real=deadmeat on a poopy platter.
So, this IS redundant, yes, and you used a lower case "i" in your 2nd to last paragraph.
This was written by AI and injected subcutaneously by a glowing clown fshillzle.