Anonymous ID: 07127b March 16, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.691303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q. How do we solve the problem of making the problems our primary focus?

A. By understanding that you're well trained to focus on the problem, so that we can react (complain, bitch & moan, anything other than SOLVING the problem), and being GIVEN a solution.

The Hegelian dialectic hard at work.

Asking for solutions to be GIVEN is how we lost our power in the first place. Se a problem, solve a problem, without trained Pavlovian reactions, and there's no room for a prescribed solution to be given as "remedy".

Obviously the shills (or their bosses) know this. Demands from Q for alleviate concerns, or for confirmation for our theories, plays right into their hands, and they play on it, especially if (((THEY))) are the ones initiating the "Q prove yourself" and other concernfagging posts. Open your eyes anons, only way you get played, is not by losing awareness of, or not knowing, the games that they are playing on YOU.


Be aware of what you're taking part in.